When we announced that Texas Snax is offering H-E-B products now, we asked all y'all via Facebook what y'all's favorite H-E-B products are. Y'all answered.
One thing is clear; there are so many great products. It's clearly hard to select just one. Good thing Texas Snax can at least ship the non-perishable items right to all y'all's doorsteps or to those of y'all's loved ones or friends. If any of the shippable items below or something else isn't in our current catalog, use the Requests page to give us a holler.
Here are some highlights of y'all's comments as of early December 2021:
- One of the clear favorites is the freshly made butter tortillas. They are certainly heavenly. Those aren't great candidates for shipping, unfortunately. However, we'll ship y'all other items to hold y'all over until you can make another pilgrimage to the Lone Star State. Perhaps Texas shaped tortilla chips will do...
- Heather mentioned, "The Cafe Ole Texas Pecan and Taste of Austin coffee!!" Several people concurred by liking that comment, and Shawn seconded the Texas Pecan coffee shoutout with a comment of his own. Since those are offered in bags and coffeemaker cups/pods, be sure to keep an eye on our site for the opportunity to order those flavors.
- Phillip really likes the BBQ sauces, salsas, and Best Maid Pickles found at H-E-B. Fortunately, those come in jars that we can ship to y'all.
- Jenny likes H-E-B's generic brand, Hill Country Brand. There are a whole host of products that this brand offers, and fortunately, there are many non-perishable products that are well suited to shipping.
- Tomi, who used to live in Texas, mentioned the H‑E‑B Select Ingredients Triple Chocolate Granola cereal. Y'all's Texas Snax blogger -- y'all's truly -- almost fell over with joy when I saw that. I, too, have had similar cereal that I can no longer find. It is so delicious! Good thing I, a texpat, have an in with the Send Eats folks behind the scenes here at Texas Snax.
- Justin said that the corn chips "are pretty awesome" -- an understatement for sure. On a related note, Tracy thinks that H-E-B's version of Doritos are superior to the original.
- Wesley brought up a third H-E-B brand, Borracho. He says that the canned Borracho beans and seasoning are some of his favorites.
- Leslie brings up a fourth brand, Twist. She likes those sodas.
- Gary mentions a fifth brand, Texas Roots; he likes the butter pecans. He mentioned another item from a brand that's not H-E-B, Whataburger Spicy Ketchup.
- Herlinda likes the creole and gumbo sauces. Yummy!
- Others mentioned cookies and trail mixes, which we're excited to offer for y'all to order -- if y'all demand.
What are your favorite H-E-B products? Let us know on the Texas Snax Facebook page or by leaving a comment on this blog post.
My wife will be so excited when I tell her about the HEB Coffee! Would you guys be able to get Julio’s Corn Chips and their seasoning?
Whataburger honeybutter sauce