Buc-ee's in Literature

High profile and celebrated authors write about Buc-ee's in their books, y'all! It's not because our favorite beaver is hoity-toity. He's legit.
A recent example is New York Times-bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi's young adult novel Yolk, which was published this past spring. It was highly anticipated as her two previous YA books Emergency Contact and Permanent Record were big hits. In fact, as Abby Carney notes in her Texas Monthly profile of Choi, the dude who directed the Crazy Rich Asians movie is making Permanent Record into a movie.
Further, Choi is known for her cultural journalism for outlets like Wired, MTV, and Allure; don't forget that she's written for places like GQ and The Atlantic. Plus, she reported for Vice News' HBO nightly newscast. Her resume -- no, make that her CV -- is top notch.
So, what does this have to do with Buc-ee? Well, Choi is a Seoul born Korean American immigrant who was raised in San Antonio and graduated from University of Texas at Austin. Thus, Choi has deep Texas roots.
Her new book Yolk is about two estranged immigrant sisters -- June and Jayne -- living in New York City who return home to San Antonio to revisit their dysfunctional relationship with their parents. Fun.

Either way, as the feuding sisters plan their Texas trip, at the very beginning of chapter 18 June states: "Okay, so Buc-ee's we gotta go to for jerky..." Brillant! Jayne, the narrator, explains to the reader that: "Buc-ee's also has the absolute hands-down best bathrooms in the entire solar system. Clean and enormous."
Perhaps writing this inspired some of her actions during her COVID-style book tour that she did remotely from her parents' place. During her visit to her Texas digs this spring, Carney report that "she's choosing to enjoy things—Buc-ee's, the brisket, fresh tortillas, iced tea, and wide streets. 'Turns out I really like Texas,' she says."
As an esteemed culture journalist and creator, Choi no doubt knows what the good stuff is. Thus, when she chooses to highlight Buc-ee's, we know that is high praise indeed. This shouldn't surprise anyone as she has grammed Buc-ee's through her Instagram account, choitotheworld. If it's good enough for her writing and social media followers, y'all know it's more than good. It's cultured.
Well, we really like Texas and Buc-ee's, too. We even dig literature that let's the world know that Buc-ee's is refined -- but he and we don't take this too seriously. LOL!
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