Buc-ee's Coolers

Buc-ee's knows how to cater to the extremes. It provides the hottest items, but it is also for all the cool kids. We're not sure how the chain does it, but it does it with ease.
For example, there's the line of Buc-ee's coolers that can hold up to 24 12 oz soda cans and a bunch of ice each. Coolers certainly have changed since all y'all's humble Texas Snax blogger was a kid. Back then coolers were made out of hard plastic. While they worked fine enough, they were quiet heavy and cumbersome -- even while empty. Nowadays, some coolers come in softer shells, which makes them lighter and easier to deal with.
As a company whose core competencies include serving as a gas station and convenience store, travel is literally in its DNA. Thus, it looks out for people on the move -- regardless if they're road tripping, commuting, or joyriding. All of those activities are tiring and help folks build an appetite, and that is why it is critical not only to have places like Buc-ee's travel centers on the road but also to have the means to store food while keeping the hot stuff warm and the cold stuff cool in between stops. Besides, Buc-ee's is from Texas -- a big place with a lot of land in between stops.
These coolers have a welded center that prevents leaks. The front has a zipper pocket that is perfect for storing utensils, napkins, bags, and other helpful items. There are mesh pockets that are for storing dry items. It can keep things cold for up to 36 hours as long as y'all pack things tightly and keep the cooler closed most of the time. Further, there are drop handle and should straps carrying options.
All of this makes these cooler great for picnics, camping trips, work/church/family potlucks, road trips, and for taking refreshments to your kid's soccer game or for when y'all are responsible for bringing refreshments to your adult kickball league game. Heck. These coolers can certainly help meal planning airline flight crew members who want to show off their Buc-ee's pride. All the other pilots, flight attendants, and passengers will be so jealous!
Further, as this is the start another of a new year. Buc-ee's is here for all y'all who resolve to camp more or pack their own food to save money and eat more nutritiously. We would love to see y'all's coolers wherever y'all take them. Share photos of them with us via social media.
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