Our own Odysseus, @theechrisoc, made his way through all the Buc-ee's in Texas. He breaks down the arduous 4-day journey here. π½π https://t.co/KofcBkXUFn
β Spooky Jess Elizarraras πΈοΈ (@JessElizarraras) October 14, 2022
This is the second time that we're aware of someone attempting to visit every Buc-ee's in Texas. The first guy is Cody Esser, the "Impulsive Travel Guy," who visited every Buc-ee's in Texas at the time back in June 2018. This time it is Austin reporter for MySA, Chris O'Connell. He reported on his odyssey in his October 2022 article "I went to every Buc-ee's location in Texas. Here's what I found."
It is important to note that he did miss one gas station in Angleton along the Gulf Coast. He certainly expressed anguish once he made this discovery. We have no doubt that O'Connell will make a pilgrimage to that one location in order rectify his oversight so that he can go on with his life in peace.
Unlike Esser who was inspired by the chain to embark on a fun endeavor for his Impulsive Travel Guy blog, O'Connell had a different perspective -- a journalistic mission. However, he did have a similar impulsive story behind his reporting stunt as he states:
I don't really know where the idea came from. One day, I woke up, put my pants on one leg at a time like the rest of society, and thought to myself, Maybe I should visit every Buc-ee's in Texas. Because my heart is bigger than my brain, I decided I should do it all consecutively, within a single week.
It is important to note that O'Connell is a journalist, and he decided to take his trip with this role. Journalists are skeptical by nature -- as they should be. However, we're not entirely sure that we would take a similar stance if we were ever to embark on a pilgrimage like this one.
O'Connell was looking for the good and the bad. As great as our favorite beaver is and despite how much he strives to accommodate everybody, he and his chain are sometimes misunderstood. All genius are misunderstood, right?
Either way, we'll cut O'Connell some slack. First, he -- like Esser -- dealt with a lot of bad rain storms during his trip. All y'all's humble Texas Snax blogger doesn't like to drive in the rain at highway speeds. So, at least I'll cut him some slack there. Second, O'Connell stayed in hotels each night during his trip. Esser returned home to his own bed each night, which probably helped him with his overall mood. Third, O'Connell completed his trek over four straight days; that's a long time to be on the road and away from home. Esser, on the other hand, split his travels over three days and took a day off between his second and third days. So, we can certainly see how O'Connell's and Esser's adventures differed. Fourth, as great as Buc-ee's food is, it can be a lot if it is most of what you're eating for a few days.
Regardless, O'Connell is able to report why people love Buc-ee's. He states:
Buc-ee's love extends beyond the physicality of the body's necessity for the intake of calories and the expulsion of waste. It's a psychological love, a combination of nostalgia and the brain's attraction to familiarity. Buc-ee's is embedded in the same part of the mind that gives the body frisson when we hear a favorite song from our youth.
We also want to call out two other fun tidbits that O'Connell reported on from his trip.
First, did y'all know that store 29 at 598 TX-332, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 is the only one to have a Buc-ee's Beanery? O'Connell says that he loved the brew that he got there. By the way, y'all can order some Buc-ee's coffee from Texas Snax.
Second, if y'all ever want to visit where everything started -- that's right, store #1 -- y'all will find it at 899 Oyster Creek Drive, Clute, TX 77531. Just remember that the large, world record holding stores didn't come along until after Buc-ee's was around for awhile. So, don't be surprised to find that the very first store isn't gigantic.
Do any of y'all want to hit up every Buc-ee's (or just the ones in a certain state)? If so, let us know. We want to hear all about it.